Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Picture Day!!

Beunos dias la familia y amigos,

As you can tell, the mission team has been picking up Spanish quite well here in Panama. This post will be consisting of mostly pictures rather than descriptive writing to mix things up a little bit. Hope you enjoy!

Our day started with a Americana breakfast and a van ride to El Cuope. We loaded the vans with numerous suitcases full of beanie babies, flip flops, and tshirts to hand out to the Santa Marta ninos (children).

Our means of transportation for the day was, to say the least, interesting. 2 groups of 12 amigos squished into the back of a pickup truck with numerous luggages was made for close bonding.

At the top of the mountain we stopped for a group picture. The scenery was breath-taking.

We then arrived at Inglesia de Christo in Santa Marta.
Chris, Abbey, Hayden, Mama Murrey, Stephanie, Jeff, Bryan, and Mallory sorted the flip-flops and got the tshirts and beanie babies organized for the kids. While everyone else played "Chicle, Chicle" with the kids. It was great fun!

Our mission team has all fallen in love with the native Panamians :)
Many kids walked in barefoot to receive new shoes.
Chris was well loved by the children, and Stephanie helped them pick out their favorite color of flip flop while making sure they fit. Also, Mallory and Bryan found a new member of their family, haha.
And Heath bonded well with the kids while playing games.

The ride back down the mountain consisted of riding through streams, a downpour, tarps over our heads, watering leaking down our backs, and the Panamians driving us watching soap operas in their dry, air conditioned trucks.

The trucks took up to El Cuope where we hiked to a miraculous waterfall. Cliche as it sounds, God has made some great handy work. We had fun jumping into the mucho frio (cold) water, sliding down the moss covered rocks, and standing under the falling water, and the boys, well, acting like boys.

During service Mallory, Abby, and Jameson gathered the kids for a fun time of coloring and games.

After showering and a quick nap we headed back to El Cuope to participate in the church service. We were glad to hear that Peto's wifes' surgery went well, and she will have a rapido (fast) recovery. Please keep praying for his family, and for Segrada and her family. We are planning on doing something special for her later in the week.

This blog entry has taken an hour, and we are exhausted. We have a long work day tomorrow at the church site and thankfully some of the younger El Cuope boys will be helping us out. Hope you enjoyed all of the pictures and thank you for the blog comments. They are always encouraging and funny to read. Keep them coming. We love and miss you all, adios!

Post made by: Kaitlyn and Abby
Pictures made available by: Mallory Manning and Abbey Jackson


  1. Oraciones para todos ustedes. (used a translator for that) My what an example you are for all of us! The little things we can do for each other are magnified by what you are doing for those you are with. Be safe, have fun, show them Jesus' example and your love!! -the Coys

  2. Hi Everyone,
    We've enjoyed the stories and the pictures. We feel like we are right there with you on your exciting journey. We are praying for you all.
    We are so proud of you and always know how much U R LOVED!
    Mom, Dad, Hugh Wesley and Hayden

  3. Hi guys. I love the awesome pictures. I am so proud of you all for your loving service and Christian example. I am praying for you all and love and miss you. Keep the posts coming because I enjoy reading them and seeing your pictures so much. It does feel like I'm right there with you.

    Love, Jam

  4. He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. - 2 Thessalonians 2:14
    What awesome pictures and experience! We are so proud of all of you. I don't think we can say that enough. Seth I hope you are taking some pictures. Be sure and get a treasure to bring back so you will always remember this time(AND NO IT CAN NOT BE A LIZARD OR BIRD). We miss you and know that we are praying for all of you and the people you are touching. Love, The Pinkstons

  5. The pictures are awesome! Thank you for taking the time to share this wonderful experience with us as you go. I can't wait to hear more about it. We are so proud of what you are each doing. Even though this is for just a week, what you are building will last a lifetime.

    Love you, Chelsea!!
    Mom & Dad

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Love, love, love all the pictures! It's so good to see all of your faces and the work you are doing. I agree with Beth, I don't think we can say enough just how proud we are of you all!

    I especially love the pictures of the children, makes me want to bring them home with me. I'm sure ya'll are having those feelings as well.

    Love you and miss you, Chris! Things have been clam here today... no more crazy critters in the house. Emma is becoming more and more attached to the kittens and has asked if we could keep "just one." Of course, I told her she would have to ask her daddy. :-)

    I'm praying for you all as you finish your week there and that God will continue to bless you as you serve Him.

    Love, Monica

  8. It only took me 6 times to figure out how to post a comment, I love the pics and have really enjoyed the blog especially since the teens are doing it, I have watched each of you grow from little children into young adults and am so proud to have been a part of your lives. I know this experience is something that will impact the rest of your lives and I pray that it blesses you as much as the ones you are there for. Be safe and God Bless You, I miss you Abby and by the way, I cleaned your room, it only took 6 hours.

  9. Sure wish i could be there right now. you are probably thinking of the white dog and if you werent already then you are now. Mom says the jokees on you because you wouldnt say good bye to jake. Hope you like our gifts so far.

  10. Enjoyed reading your posts...we prayed for you all at our EveryMAN leadership cookout. Y'all take good care of Jeff...God bless him...or rather God bless Denise. ;)
